Author = Zabihollah Zamani
Identification of Self-Incompatibility (S-) Genotypes of Iranian Almond Genotypes and Cultivars using PCR

Volume 42, Issue 2, August 2011, Pages 169-183

Seyed Asghar Mousavi Ghahfarokhi; Mohammadreza FattahiMoghaddam; Zabiallah Zamani; Ali Imani; Inkarna Ortega; Fedrico Dicenta

An Evaluation of Populations from Controlled Crosses between Iranian and Exotic Apples and Relationship between their Vegetative and Early Flowering Characters

Volume 42, Issue 2, August 2011, Pages 193-205

Alireza Farokhzad; Zabiallah Zamani; Mohammadreza Fattahi Moghaddam; Alireza Talaei; Mohsen Mardi; Ali Gharghani; Ali Gharahlar

Modeling and Assessment of Crop Load Effect on Fruit Growth Pattern of Apple cv. Red Spur in Karaj Climatic Conditions

Volume 42, Issue 1, July 2011, Pages 83-94

Ali Saei; Alireza Talaei; Zabiolah Zamani; Stovart Tustin

Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Some Cerasus Sub-Genus Wild Genotypes Using Plant Vegetative and Seed Characteristics

Volume 41, Issue 4, March 2011, Pages 359-373

Ali shahi gharelor; Zabiholah Zamani; Mohammad Reza Fattahi Moghadam; Naser Boozari; Abdolah Khadivi Khoob

Collection and Evaluation of Morphological Diversity of Damask Rose Genotypes of Iran

Volume 41, Issue 3, December 2010, Pages 223-233

Mahnaz Kiani; Zabiholah Zamani; Ahmad Khalighi; MohammadReza FatahiMoghadam; MajidReza Kiani

A Study of the Compatibility and the Effects of Supplementary Pollination with Different Pollens on Fruit Set of Self-Compatible Almond 'Supernova'

Volume 40, Issue 4, March 2010

Musa Rasooli; MohamadReza Fatahomoghadan; Zabiholah Zamani; Ali Eimani; Ali Ebadi

An Investigation on Genetic Diversity of 608 Persian Walnut Accessions for Screening of some Genotypes of Superior Traits

Volume 40, Issue 4, March 2010

Aziz Ebrahimi; MohamadReza FttahiMoghadam; Zabiholah Zamani; Kurosh Vahdati

Genetic Diversity Assessment of Some Sour and Duke Cherry Genotypes and Cultivars Using RAPD Markers

Volume 40, Issue 3, December 2009

zabi-o-lah zamani; ab-o-lah khadivi khoob; naser boozari; hamid reza jafari

An Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Some Iranian and Foreign Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) Cultivars Using RAPD Molecular Marker

Volume 40, Issue 3, December 2009

zabi-o-lah zamani; ab-o-lah khadivi khoob; naser boozari; hamid reza jafari

Characterization of some Persimmon Genotypes using Morphological Characters and RAPD Markers

Volume 40, Issue 2, September 2009

mohammad reza fattahi moghaddam; zahra taleb bidokhti; zabih-o-lah zamani

Micropropagation of Four Cultivars (Dargazi, Natanzi, Shahmiveh and Williams) of Pear (Pyrus communis L.)

Volume 40, Issue 2, September 2009

seyed zia nosrati; zabih-o-lah zamani; mesbah babalar

Characterization of Some Walnut Genotypes Using RAPD Markers

Volume 40, Issue 1, June 2009

Mohammad Reza Fattahi Moghaddam; Aziz Ebrahimi; Zabih-o-Lah Zamani