Associate Professor, Seed and Plant Research Improvement Department, Khuzestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Ahwaz, Iran
This research was conducted to compare the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of open-pollinated and hybrid short day onion cultivars in Khuzestan climatic conditions. The experiment was done in randomized complete block deign including 15 cultivars (10 hybrid and 5 open-pollinated) with four replications at Behbahan Agriculture Research Station for two years (2016-18). Seeds were sown in nursery in early October and seedling transplanted in early November. Bulbs were harvested when 50-80% of foliage top had fallen and collapse. Siroos cultivar (hybrid) produced the highest yield. The decrease yield of Seba and SV 4043 (hybrid cultivars) as well as Texas Early White, Texas Early Grano, and Sapidan (open-pollinated cultivars) were not significant as compared with Siroos. Group comparison of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics in open-pollinated and hybrid cultivars was performed using partitioning of treatment effects. The bolted plants were significantly higher in open –pollinated than hybrid cultivars. But the differences of the other characteristic were not significant in open –pollinated and hybrid cultivars. The price of open –pollinated seed, especially due to increase price of foreign exchange in recent years, is much less than hybrid seed. In addition, seed of open pollinated cultivars could be produced by growers. Therefore, planting of open pollinated cultivars namely Texas Early White, Texas Early Grano, and Sapidan are recommended for onion production in Khuzestan province.
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Darabi, A. (2020). Comparison the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of open-pollinated and hybrid short day onion cultivars in Khuzestan climatic conditions. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 51(3), 691-703. doi: 10.22059/ijhs.2019.283423.1665
Darabi, A. . "Comparison the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of open-pollinated and hybrid short day onion cultivars in Khuzestan climatic conditions", Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 51, 3, 2020, 691-703. doi: 10.22059/ijhs.2019.283423.1665
Darabi, A. (2020). 'Comparison the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of open-pollinated and hybrid short day onion cultivars in Khuzestan climatic conditions', Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 51(3), pp. 691-703. doi: 10.22059/ijhs.2019.283423.1665
A. Darabi, "Comparison the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of open-pollinated and hybrid short day onion cultivars in Khuzestan climatic conditions," Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 51 3 (2020): 691-703, doi: 10.22059/ijhs.2019.283423.1665
Darabi, A. Comparison the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of open-pollinated and hybrid short day onion cultivars in Khuzestan climatic conditions. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 2020; 51(3): 691-703. doi: 10.22059/ijhs.2019.283423.1665