Effect of Salicylic Acid Spray on Growth, Yield & Quality Attributes of Strawberry cv. Camarosa in Hydroponic Culture

Document Type : Full Paper


Five levels of Salicylic Acid (SA), (0, 2, 4, 6 & 8 mM) were sprayed on strawberry cv. Comarosa fruit bearing plants in a hydroponic culture. Growth, yield & fruit quality attributes were assessed. Vegetative characteristics (crown number, root & shoot weight), reproductive traits (yield, fruit number as well as shape), fruit quality, macro elements (Ca, Mg, K & P), dry weight & ash were evaluated. Among treatments, the 6 mM of SA resulted in the most favorable effect on quality, growth & yield of strawberry. It also led to the highest yield, firmness, vitamin C, TSS, fruit redness rate (a*) and pH of the fruit juice. However fruit lightness (L*) and titrable acidity were relatively high for this concentration. Effect of control treatment on plants and fruit attributes was undesirable, except vitamin C & dry matter. SA of 8mM concentration produced larger fruits with higher moisture. However, TA, pH of fruit juice and TSS were high in this treatment, but the quality was very low. Effect of 4mM of SA on yield, firmness, a*, K content and moisture was favorable, but such other attributes as vitamin C content, dry matter and TA were very low.
