Stability of yield and other important characters of eight short day onion genotypes (Behbahan, Padook, Ramhormoz, Iranshahr and Brazjan landraces, Primavera and Texas Early Grano cultivars and Behbahan bred onion) were studied using a randomized complete block design with four replications at Behbahan, Minab and Iranshahr Agriculture Research Stations for two years (2012-14). Genotype × environment interaction (GEI) was evaluated through GGE biplot. Using polygones for grouping of environments based on total yield showed that each location was considered as a mega environment. In Behbahan, Minab and Iranshahr locations, Texas Early Grano, Brazjan landrace and Primavera cultivar produced the highest total yield respectively. In regard to marketable yield two mega environments were identified. The first mega environment contains Minab and Iranshahr, the second mega-environment only contained Behbahan. According to the GGE biplot analysis of the ideal environment, it was concluded that Iranshahr and Minab were closest to the ideal environment for bolting and bulb doubling, respectively. For total and marketable yield Behbahan was closest to the ideal environment. Iranshahr and Behbahan was nearest to ideal environment for bulb dry matter percentage. Evaluation of genotypes through average environment coordinate indicated that Texas Early Grano was the best genotype in term of total yield and performance stability. Based on marketable yield, bulb doubling and bolting and performance stability, Primavera was the best genotype.
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hassanzadeh, H. , , parkasi, A. R. , and Mousapour Gorji, A. . "Stability of yield and other important characters of short day onion genotypes in south regions of Iran using graphical GGE biplot method", Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 49, 4, 2019, 959-972. doi: 10.22059/ijhs.2017.235177.1268
hassanzadeh, H., parkasi, A. R., Mousapour Gorji, A. (2019). 'Stability of yield and other important characters of short day onion genotypes in south regions of Iran using graphical GGE biplot method', Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 49(4), pp. 959-972. doi: 10.22059/ijhs.2017.235177.1268
H. hassanzadeh , A. R. parkasi and A. Mousapour Gorji, "Stability of yield and other important characters of short day onion genotypes in south regions of Iran using graphical GGE biplot method," Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 49 4 (2019): 959-972, doi: 10.22059/ijhs.2017.235177.1268
hassanzadeh, H., parkasi, A. R., Mousapour Gorji, A. Stability of yield and other important characters of short day onion genotypes in south regions of Iran using graphical GGE biplot method. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 2019; 49(4): 959-972. doi: 10.22059/ijhs.2017.235177.1268